
Type of Grading

This parameter sets the way in which the score of a challenge will vary. Each challenge proposed will have an initial score set by the parameter Initial Score, a maximum score set by the parameter Highest Score and an Initial Time that sets the period, in days, from the date when the challenge opens during which the score of the challenge will not vary unless a correct answer is submitted and assessed. When the initial time is over, or once a correct answer is submitted and assessed, the score of a challenge will start to vary from the initial score in two possible different ways according to the value of this parameter:

LINEAR: the score varies linearly, increasing till the closing date of the challenge, reaching by that time the maximum score set, or else till a correct answer is submitted and assessed, starting then to decrease till it reaches the zero value at the closing date of the challenge, unless the Maximum Number of Right Answers admitted have been received and assessed before closing date.

EXPONENTIAL: the score varies following the same rules that in the linear case, but with an exponential,instead of linear, variation, reason for which the degree of variation increases with time.

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